Board Information And Development
Under the direction of the Chairperson, the Executive Secretary is responsible for advising the Board on all governance issues, induction of new Trustees, ensuring that board procedures are followed and applicable rules and regulations are complied with. All Trustees individually and as a Board, have access to the advice and services of the Executive Secretary. Trustees are also entitled and authorized to seek independent and professional advice about the affairs of the Trust at the Trust’s expense where necessary in fulfilling their duties.
Trustees periodically attend workshops and training programmes outside the country in order to keep up with knowledge levels required for their oversight responsibilities.
The Board has systems in place for ensuring the independence, integrity, competence and professionalism of the Trust’s internal and external auditors. The Board ensures that no aspect of the internal or external auditors’ work is impaired on any grounds.
The Trust also has in place an Executive Management Committee which comprises the Executive Secretary and all Executives and Managers. The Committee normally meets monthly and the main aim of the Management Meetings is to ensure that the wishes, instructions and resolutions of Trustees are timely and properly implemented.